Modality: Targeted.

The targeted modality is only available in 6-18 hour strides and it’s best suited for specific, single-tasked, “retreat” courses focusing on a specialty.


A general overview of how the individual components of the language come together to express ideas and ask for information. In this level You will take a closer look at how ideas form in the speaker’s mind and the correlation between said ideas and the sequential order they take once you produce them in spoken or written communication.

Competencies acquired in level:

  • Understand how ideas are conceived and interpreted in the target language, specially with regards to what order its fundamental components take in the speaker’s mind before the message is produced in spoken or written language.
  • Understand how sentences work, how many types there are and the differences and similarities in structure between sentences in English and Spanish.
  • Understand how questions work, how many types there are and the differences and similarities in structure between questions in English and Spanish.
  • Integrate both prior concepts (Sentences & Questions) with the language’s most fundamental verb tense: The present Simple, and see how it applies to verb conjugation.