Threshold or pre-Intermediate is the first level of the Independent Range- At the end of this level B1, you will have crossed a threshold in your language-learning project: you can have steady conversations and give your opinion.

The four habits of highly effective language learners.

Perhaps the most important thing an effective language learner does is identify the key actions that they must do everyday in order to reach their goal and schedule it into their day. 
Arranging to implement is a sure fire way of guaranteeing the end result. Perhaps it will be “read a short article every morning when I wake up” or “listen to an audiobook on my way to work”. Whatever it is, scheduling and subsequently executing it is the most effective way of seeing results.

What Makes a good Language Learner?

In my years as an language teacher no question has been more repetitively asked than this one. Scores upon scores of people embark on the process of learning a foreign language everyday. Whether it’s their second, third or even fourth or fifth language, I usually get asked what best practices to follow if they are to succeed in this endeavour efficiently.